Père Lachaise Cemetery
A couple of months ago, I decided to walk to Père Lachaise Cemetery in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. It was a mild December day, with the sun peeking through a few non-threatening clouds. A good day for a little exploring.
I didn't end up visiting any specific sites, but took my time wandering the pathways and snapping photos. Here are a couple from the day:

A little bit of history about the cemetery: it opened in 1804 with only a few people buried there. Over the next decade or two, they brought over the remains of well-known Parisians and it's popularity soared. Today, it's likely the most visited cemetery in the world as host to the final resting places of Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein, Édith Piaf, Seurat, Chopin and many more.
You can find a map of specific sites at the main entrance on Boulevard de Ménilmontant. And though some may find it a bit grim, it's a beautiful, unconventional view of Paris.
Père Lachaise Cemetary, 16 Rue du Repos, 75020 Paris
Vocab for today:
- le cimétière - cemetery
- la tombe - tomb
- se promener - to stroll
- le chemin - path
- l'hiver - winter