
Welcome to my blog where I document my adventures in Paris and beyond. Bon sΓ©jour!

Our First Apartment in Paris

Our First Apartment in Paris

First Apartment in Paris: bookshelf filled mostly with books about Paris.

As many of you know, we're currently in a temporary apartment for two months. We hope that will be enough time to find a more permanent place that we love. We're in the midst of the search right now, visiting at least 2-3 apartments per week. Luckily, we were able to secure our current place through Steve's job at the university. They have a spot for visiting scientists - the Villa Louis Pasteur. We were pleasantly surprised, though it is a bit small for us tall humans. It's very bright and airy with three windows; it has a murphy bed, a very small kitchen and a high shelf that holds our suitcases. We also get housekeepers twice a week. They clean the bathroom and the floor, provide us with clean linens and take out the garbage. It's a nice little bonus.

Here is where we currently spend our days:

This is where we've been eating meals and drinking wine. Our door opens up to the courtyard and lets a nice breeze in. I think we have one of the best views in the building - there's a church off in the distance that chimes every hour.

Our very small, but very functional kitchen. Since arriving, we've cooked almost every night. Our apartment was furnished so we had almost everything we needed already here. There were a few things that we purchased ourselves, things like wine glasses, a french press, a set of knives, beurrier (a butter dish) and food. We also brought a few things with us like dish towels, a wine key, measuring cups, and spatulas.

Almost all the refrigerators in Paris are mini-fridges. The more pricey apartments have the large ones that we're used to in America. But I don't really miss it. We seem to have more than enough space for everything we need.

This is the desk where my computer lives. We turned it into a wifi hotspot so we could get internet on our devices when we first arrived. It's been working pretty well overall, but it's not the fastest connection. It takes about 45 minutes to watch a 22-minute show on Netflix.

First Apartment in Paris: our "dresser" with neatly folded clothes (it's not always like that)

Our "dresser". Almost all of our clothes are folded and sitting on this shelf. There are a few exceptions that are hanging in the closet.

The bathroom. It's pretty small but it works and it has a stand up shower - that's good by me! 

Hope you enjoyed the little peak into our home-for-now.  We're hoping to have more space at our next apartment, especially for all those future visitors out there. =)


Vocab for today:

  • meublΓ© - furnished (as in "we are searching for a furnished apartment")
  • la chambre - bedroom
  • la salle de bain - bathroom (including a shower or bathtub)
  • le lit - bed
  • la cuisine - kitchen
  • la cuisine Americaine - an American kitchen, open, not confined to one room
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